Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index


De Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index Series zijn objectief, betrouwbaar en goed belegbaar waardoor ze uitstekende benchmarks zijn voor indexfondsen die een duurzaam bedrijfsthema hanteren.

FTSE4Good Global Index


De FTSE4Good Index Series zijn ontworpen om de prestaties te meten van bedrijven die sterke Environmental, Social en Governance (ESG) werkwijzen laten zien.

MSCI ESG Ratings


MSCI ESG Ratings zijn ontworpen om de veerkracht van een bedrijf te meten met betrekking tot de Environmental, Social en Governance (ESG) risico's op lange termijn, door de blootstelling aan ESG-risico's te vergelijken met gelijken binnen de branche wereldwijd.


Laag risico

De rating biedt een duidelijk inzicht in het ESG-risico op bedrijfsniveau door de omvang van het onbeheerde ESG-risico van een organisatie te meten. Dit wordt gemeten door een unieke set van materiële ESG-kwesties (MEIs: Material ESG Issues), zodat alleen kwesties worden meegenomen die een potentieel substantiële impact hebben op de economische waarde van de onderneming.


ESG Award

Best Corporate Governance and ESG Awards 2023

The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)

Outstanding ESG Award

TVB ESG Awards 2023

Best in ESG Practices

TVB ESG Awards 2023

Best in ESG Report

TVB ESG Awards 2023

Best in ESG Awards

BDO ESG Awards 2023

Best in Reporting Awards

BDO ESG Awards 2023

8+ Year Award (Enterprise Group)

Federation of Hong Kong Industries

Mental Health Friendly Supreme Organisation

Department of Health

Caring Company for the 16th Consecutive Year

The Hong Kong Council of Social Services (HKCSS)

Partner Employer Award

The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business 

Heart to Heart Company

Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

Social Capital Builder Logo Award

Labour and Welfare Bureau

Award of Excellence in ESG

Hong Kong Corporate Governance & ESG Excellence Awards

Chamber of Hong Kong listed companies (CHKLC)

Excellence Report Award (General Category)

Best Annual Reports Awards 2022

The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA)

Best ESG Reporting Award

Best Annual Reports Awards 2022

The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA)

Most Sustainable Companies Awards - Gold (Non-Hang Seng Index Category)

Best Corporate Governance and ESG Awards 2022

The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)

Best ESG Report – Mid-cap – Commendation

2022 Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards (HERA)

Excellence in Environmental Positive Impact – Commendation

2022 Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards (HERA)

ESG Leading Enterprise Award

Master Insight ESG Awards 2022

Outstanding Caring Awards (Enterprise Group)

Federation of Hong Kong Industries

Mental Health Friendly Supreme Organisation

Department of Health

Caring Company for the 15th Consecutive Year

The Hong Kong Council of Social Services (HKCSS)

Heart to Heart Company

Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

Social Capital Builder Logo Award

Labour and Welfare Bureau

2022 Partner Employer Award

The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business 

Best ESG Reporting Award

Best Annual Reports Awards 2021

The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA)

Best New Entry Award

Best Annual Reports Awards 2021

The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA)

Gold Award (Manufacturing and Industrial Services)

2020 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE)

Environmental Campaign Committee 

Best ESG Report – Mid-cap – Commendation

2021 Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards (HERA) 

Special Mention ESG

Best Corporate Governance and ESG Awards 2021

The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)

Outstanding Caring Awards (Enterprise Group)

Federation of Hong Kong Industries

Mental Health Friendly Supreme Organisation

Department of Health

Caring Company for the 14th Consecutive Year

The Hong Kong Council of Social Services (HKCSS)

Signatory of the Good Employer Charter 2020

Labour Department

Friendly Good Employer 2020

Labour Department

Heart to Heart Company

Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

Social Capital Builder Logo Award

Labour and Welfare Bureau

2021 Partner Employer Award

The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business 

Award of Excellence in Sustainability

Hong Kong Corporate Governance & ESG Excellence Awards

Chamber of Hong Kong listed companies (CHKLC)

Best ESG Report – Mid-cap – Grand Award

2020 Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards (HERA) 

InnoESG Prize 2020

SocietyNext Foundation, UNESCO Hong Kong Association and Rotary Action Group for Peace

Annual Reports - Print - Honors Award

Galaxy Awards

Gold Award in Illustration

Annual Report Competition (ARC) Awards

Mercomm, Inc International Awards Programs

Silver Award in Interior Design

Annual Report Competition (ARC) Awards

Mercomm, Inc International Awards Programs

Bronze Award in Cover Photo/Design

Annual Report Competition (ARC) Awards

Mercomm, Inc International Awards Programs

Outstanding Caring Awards (Enterprise Group)

Federation of Hong Kong Industries

Mental Health Friendly Supreme Organisation

Department of Health

Caring Company for the 13th Consecutive Year

The Hong Kong Council of Social Services (HKCSS)

Signatory of the Good Employer Charter

Labour Department

Friendly Good Employer

Labour Department

Heart to Heart Company

Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

Social Capital Builder Logo Award

Labour and Welfare Bureau

2020 Partner Employer Award

The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business 

Sustainability and Social Responsibility Reporting Award

Best Corporate Governance Awards 

Hong Kong Institude of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)

Best ESG Report – Mid-cap – Grand Award

2019 Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards (HERA) 

Excellence in GRI Report

2019 Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards (HERA) 

Excellence in Environmental Disclosure

2019 Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards (HERA) 

Excellence in Social Disclosure

2019 Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards (HERA) 

Outstanding Caring Awards (Enterprise Group)

Federation of Hong Kong Industries

Award as Family Friendly Employer/ Special Mention/ Breast Feeding Support

Family Council

Brilliant Participation- Gold Award

Sowers Action Challenging 12 Hours Charity Marathon 2019

Caring Company for the 12th Consecutive Year

The Hong Kong Council of Social Services (HKCSS)

Heart to Heart Company

Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

Social Capital Builder Logo Award

Labour and Welfare Bureau

2019 Partner Employer Award

The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business 

Sustainability Excellence Award

Hong Kong Corporate Governance & ESG Excellence Awards

Chamber of Hong Kong listed companies (CHKLC)

Best ESG Report – Mid-cap – Merit Award

2018 Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards (HERA) 

Excellence in GRI Report

2018 Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards (HERA) 

Excellence in Environmental Disclosure

2018 Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards (HERA) 

Outstanding Caring Awards (Enterprise Group)

Federation of Hong Kong Industries

Award as Breast Feeding Support

Family Council

Award as Family Friendly Employer

Family Council

Golden Brilliant Partcipation Award

Sowers Action Challenging 12 Hours Charity Marathon 2018

Caring Company for the 11th Consecutive Year

The Hong Kong Council of Social Services (HKCSS)

Heart to Heart Company

Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

Duurzaamheidsdoelen en -prestaties: 
Awards en Erkenningen